Monday, October 26, 2009

Jim Carry Makes Me Laugh

Straight from Edwards mouth this fine morning... "we all know you're a loser..."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Crazy Comments from Eddie

I published the new comments from Edward today. You can read below... I am just putting the facts on this blog. I have no reason to call this guy. He must be getting his stalkies mixed up. I am sure he is getting calls from all kinds of people he is harassing, but definitely not from me.

What a wonderful world it is :)

Called Twice Tonight

I can't BELIEVE this guy is STILL calling. Called again tonight. Left no message...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Every Single One

Every time this guy calls, everything he says or does will be recorded on this blog. And very soon I will be posting all the stuff he did last year... emails, voicemails, the whole kit and kaboodle. I also have other people that have recordings of Edward harassing them too that will also go up.

Isn't life grand? I am nowhere near any kind of celebrity but I know exactly why someone like Tom Cruise walks around with a few bodyguards at all times. Too bad John Lennon didn't have a few bodyguards when he got shot down....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Now it's turned into sexual harassment

Edward just commented with a link going to a porn site... and another couple of calls this morning. I'm not letting the comment go through because it's porn.

This guy has me really scared, I can't sleep and I have to look over my shoulder wherever I go.

Called 5 times in a Row tonight...

First call was at 2:19am... I had a pretty god idea it was him so I just let the radio keep playing, he called four more time after that.... Was listening to the Alex Jones show.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another call just now 12:59am

Answered phone, he said something I couldn't understand, and then I said nothing, he stayed on the phone silent then hung up after a few minutes.

Oh joy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Called twice today so far

Called said "dick sucker"... then something else I don't know, then called again... let's see how many times he calls... he must have a list of people he calls on a daily basis.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Now Edward Przydzial is making up more lies on his blog

The fact that this guy is still harping on this whole Sister Morphine thing tells you something about his mental stability. Now he's saying on his blog that I am harassing him, HA! That is funny. I have all the documentation and more threatening recordings that will prove that idea wrong. In fact, I have gotten messages from other people that have recordings of this guy harassing them too! He doesn't have one thing with me harassing him in anyway shape or form, except for maybe the stuff made up in his mind.

He use to call with his phone number showing in the caller ID, now he's calling with a blocked number. He's still calling after A YEAR AND A HALF!!! And even after we changed the name, and took any links off we had control over. If there are any links left online it's because he have ZERO control over it. You get that Edward???? We have ZERO control over any links that are out there.

It's funny because I did a search on Myspace for Sister Morphine, and there's a whole new crop of bands using that name. That otta keep him busy for awhile... there's a lot of people out there for him to harass.

Have a nice day :) We all love you, and it's been fun.

Friday, September 18, 2009

2 more calls this morning...

Sounds like he was trying to make weird noises, but it didn't come out right, all garbled.

Got another call from the guy today...

I answered the phone and he asked for me, I said it was me and he keeps saying "when we gonna meet?", I say nothing, then we sat in silence for a few minutes, then he hung up. He calls back, more silence, hang up, call back, he says "when we gonna meet again?", silence... I say "what did you meet about?", he hangs up.

Then I hear from my drummer today that he was messaging him and calling him the N word.

The saga continues...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Edward Przydzial Case

I want to keep this brief and to the point. Last year sometime when my old band was using the name Sister Morphine we get a call from Edward Przydzial about him wanting us to stop using the name Sister Morphine because he had used the name in the past and they had a CD out. So after checking the facts we found out this was true and changed the name. You would think that would be the end of it, well it's not.

This guy harassed me for like a month leaving all kinds of threats on voicemail and email, even AFTER we changed the name. We took down all reference to that name where we had the power to change it, and still the threats. Then he finally went away after we ignored all of it. Now, a year later he is calling again with threats that he and his "boys" are going to come down and have a "meeting" with us. He's leaving threats on this blog and the Youtube site about "it's a matter of time before you get your head caved in...". That sounds like a specific threat to me.

So the purpose of this post is to document every little thing this guy does, says or writes to prove that if anything goes down there's undeniable proof that he did it and there was motive. The Internet archives everything... I have recorded everything this guy has done; the emails, comments and voice mails. Here's the latest sample of his most recent threats...

Submitted on 2009/07/18 at 11:59pm
maybe you’ll get hit by a bus along the way douche bag… hopefully my bus punk…

Submitted on 2009/07/19 at 12:04am
you even tried ripping off the name exodus? you’ve been a no talent douche for a long time… you wish you were EXODUS you cheesy mediocre retard… and you think you’re sister morphine? dude, you are the king of rip off’s your daddy should be proud of your fake ass… you can’t think of anything original to save your life or your so called career… how many musicians have you stole music and lyrics from ronny boy? piece of shit.

spookey jones = shit sandwich.

Submitted on 2009/07/19 at 12:06am
hey faggot make sure you get hit by a train or fall off a bridge somewhere you scum bag…

Submitted on 2009/07/19 at 12:30am
you’ve posted lies, they are not or have they EVER been sister morphine. ron kustes is a douche bag. your reporters suck and you allow these posers to steal another bands name? fuck you oc weekly.
Comment by edward przydzial from beverly hills ca on Dec 17th, 2008, 11:31 am
ron kustes is a poser fake. these guys are FALSE here is the REAL sister morphine;
Comment by davo from denmark on Mar 12th, 2009, 19:19 pm
this article is about a group of pathetics using a name they have no right to… the REAL band has a album out from the late 80’s and has a nun and a church on the cover if i remember correctly… the morons at oc weekly never checked out the fact these dudes are stealing another bands name and riding on their coat-tails? what the hell kind of music reporters do this type of yellow journalism?
Comment by viper from saginaw mi on Mar 20th, 2009, 20:39 pm

Submitted on 2009/07/20 at 6:38pm
you can run, but you can’t hide tell the truth boy… fullerton is my new stomping ground until we run into each other boy…


This is only the begining, there's a lot more stuff I will be puting up that has to do with me, and all the other people he's trying to mess with. Only the facts...